Supported Holidays

We create fantastic supported holidays just for you! Infinity Support Services provides quality inclusive and accessible travel experiences that enhance social participation and personal outcomes for individuals living with disability, their families and seniors looking for travel opportunities. We take great care in arranging holidays that include premium accessible accommodation, flights, transfers, meals and equipment to ensure our guests can travel without boundaries. Our large range of assisted holidays in Australia and abroad, including cruises, ensure we have something for everyone.

Your travel goals and well-being are our priority, enjoy the peace of mind of our high staff to guest ratios. Our standard inclusion on every group supported holiday is a minimum of one staff per four guests (1:4 ratio). Higher staff ratios (1:2 and 1:1) are available on every tour for travelers with higher support needs and preferences.

Holiday Package

Our small group holiday packages are all inclusive and offer the difference of premium entertainment, leisure and sightseeing, unique dining experiences, quality hotel accommodation, and experienced friendly care staff. See our upcoming holidays or customize a tour with friends.

Our individual tours offer 1:1 ratio services and accessible itineraries that are suited to all levels of mobility and needs. Individual packages are perfect for both solo travelers seeking a customized adventure, individual itineraries or those wishing to travel when group tours are unavailable.

Enjoy the freedom, security and casual pace of our senior assisted holidays for our older travelers who are less mobile or living with a disability. Our assisted seniors packages are tailored for those who love to travel but require some assistance or support. Senior holidays are great shared with friends!